Tuesday, December 10, 2024

post for presentation

The role that the media plays in my life is large. I use social media for almost anything. I use it to find information and I use it for entertainment. My digital footprint I would assume is large, but not larger than someone who is older and made a bigger impact than myself. I am not very exposed online. I would say the most exposed I am is my Instagram being public. all my other social media accounts are private. I have not found anything currently in my online presence that needs editing but in the past, I have done a lot of it. I would say the video about the dark side of technology is more accurate. Unfortunately people in today’s world use technology for bad things and use it to hurt good people. Obviously the truth would lie somewhere in between because there are plenty of people who use technology for good, but sometimes I feel like the bad outweighs the good. I think the predictions made in the video about artificial intelligence will come true sooner than not. Factories will switch to full AI automated robot machines. Maybe some good will come out of it like AI will be used in healthcare so folks can get an earlier diagnosis and it can help save lives.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Final Post

I do think my relationship with technology is a little bit unhealthy. I use technology for everyday use, but I am on my phone and on social media a lot more than I feel like I should be. Since we’re not just talking about social media but technology in general I watch TV a large percentage of my day so maybe that could be considered unhealthy. With saying this, I would say technology is taking up too much time in my life. But having said that as well, the technology is informing me on real world issues and in a sense making me smarter. With the different programs I watch, some of them like Animal Planet and HGTV can provide real world information. I usually get my news from social media so it could be misleading, but I rarely take it to heart if there is something large I read about and want to learn more. I simply call and ask my dad or do more research on the Internet. I would say, I have accepted technology’s part of society that we now live in. I think that my family uses technology very well. My parents are rarely on their phones unless they are calling me or using it for their own work. My father uses technology for his job to catch criminals so I would say that is a good thing. My mom will use technology for things like networking and sending emails and always being a part of a different conversation of some sort. Now, my friends are a different story. My friends back home like to use their phones a lot. Maybe that’s where I get it from because we have similar phone usage. but they are not using technology for any bad things. They are just using it a lot. My online footprint I would say it’s pretty large. If I was applying for a job today, and my employer googled me on all social media, they would see that my Instagram is public, but most of my other accounts are private. I take good pride in my Instagram and I like to post on there so I don’t mind if anyone sees what’s on there because I’m not trying to hide who I am. If they don't hire me because of something I put up on my Instagram I don't want to work for that company. 

Age of Ai (Blog post 5)

The thing that struck me the most as helpful and interesting was the healthcare aspect of AI. AI can help in disease detection in ways that a person might miss or not be able to diagnose. They can provide personal treatment or recovery plans in the blink of an eye. Ai can do things that human doctors can't do or don't have time to do. The most frightening thing I learned about was the AI automation process. Yes it helps reduce waste and there would be less flaws on a factory line production, these robots are taking American jobs and that is scary to me. Thousands of Americans manufacture goods for a living and it's terrifying to see a robot replace them for 0 dollars and 0 cents. Collection of data is a great tool to use AI for. Data for some things is tough and precise to gather and humans are not built for it. But AI can do it in seconds. These advancements could enhance quality of life, solve complex problems, and empower individuals and industries alike. But a con for any massive data collection is eroding personal privacy. Most people are unaware of the extent to which their data is mined and sold. I believe AI can help build and design defense systems but when it comes to actual decisions, those should be made by the president or whoever makes the call. AI can create “DeepFakes” and these are not helpful to anyone who is trying to be truthful, so online security and identity theft may become more prevalent. 

post for presentation

The role that the media plays in my life is large. I use social media for almost anything. I use it to find information and I use it for ent...